Adam Ben-Aamr

Passionate data scientist based in Rhode Island and happy to work from anywhere.


About Me

View from an airplane window during sunset, with the airplane wing visible and a landscape below with scattered lights. The sky is painted with warm hues of orange, pink, and purple as the sun sets, reflecting on a distant body of water.

Adam Ben-Aamr

Student at the University of Rhode Island

Hi, my name is Adam Ben-Aamr and I am a passionate data scientist based in Rhode Island and I aim to attain an engaging position in the field of data science. I hope to create a better and more efficient work environment.

One of my specialties is taking an idea from scratch and creating a full-fledged platform. I go beyond to produce sites with a unique, outstanding, contemporary look-and-feel. With extensive knowledge of web mechanics, I'm able to optimize complex integrations to require little-to-no maintenance while running on their own for years.

  • Study:Data Science
  • Degree:High School
  • Interest:Big Data, AI, and ML
  • Freelance:Available


  • 2023 - present

    University of Rhode Island

    B.S. Data Science
  • 2021 - 2023

    Narragansett High School

    High School Diploma


  • 2021 - 2023

    Town of Narragansett

    IT Specialist
  • 2021 - 2023

    Narragansett High School

    Computer Science Teacher Assistant

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